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Guidelines on Port's Operation Service for Ship's Entering and Leaving the Hualien Port
  1. 1.Control Operation of Ship's Entering and Leaving
    1. Authorization:The control over the ship’s entering, leaving, shifting berth and the port VHF communications are directed by Port Signal Station.
    2. Explanation of operation:
      1. A. Report of Ship’s Movement
        • Before arriving, the ship must report its estimated time of arrival (ETA), via VHF (CH-14), 10 miles from the port, to the Hualien Port Signal Station.
        • Upon arriving or anchoring at the port, the ship must report the time to Hualien Port Signal Station. The duty officer at the Signal Station will confirm and record the time for arranging the ship’s order of entry.
      2. B. Application for Ship’s Entry
        • A ship operated with a pilot
          An application for entry must be made by the pilot via VHF (CH-14) to Hualien Port Signal Station. When permission is received, the ship may enter the port.
        • A ship operated without a pilot
          An application for entry must be made by the captain via VHF (CH-14) to Hualien Port Signal Station. When permission is received, the ship may enter the port.
      3. C. Application for Ship’s Leaving
        • A ship operated with a pilot
          Once the pilot is on board, an application for departure must be made via VHF (CH-14) to Hualien Port Signal Station. When permission is received, the ship may leave the port.
        • A ship operated without a pilot
          The captain applies to Hualien Port Signal Station via VHF (CH-14) for departure. The ship can leave when permission is received.
      4. D. Control over the Ship’s Shifting Berth
        • When application is madee for a ship’s shifting berth by the pilot or the captain, the duty officer at the Signal Station can only permit the application and operate port control after the shifting time and berth are reconfirmed even though they are already informed by Navigation Control Division.
        • The application for a ship’s shifting berth will not be accepted by the duty officer at the Signal Station without permission from Navigation Control Division. A ship can only agree to shift berth after the shifting-berth inform-list is facsimiled from the agency to be permitted by Navigation Control Division.
  2. Be Watchful during the Ship’s Entry and Departure
    • In Hualien Port, the fore-and-aft leading lights align to indicate the central navigational channel for a ship’s entry. When the weather conditions are good, a ship should aim at this fore-and-aft leading group of lights from a distance of 0.5 miles SW of the beacon of the east breakwater. The course is 23.5 degrees. When the NE monsoon is strong, from a distance of 0.75 miles SW of the beacon of the east breakwater, the ship should first aim at this beacon, sail quickly ahead to pass it by keeping at the windward, then reduce its speed to enter the port. The ship which is permitted to be needless of a pilot and encounters bad sea conditions, its captain should assure to command the ship’s condition. If there is any concern of safety, it should be applied immediately for the help of a pilot to prevent hazard from occurring.
    • The southern side of the inner fairway of this port is filled with foundation-stones (which may be partially emerged during the lowest tide) for guarding the banks. A ship should secure the depth conditions and keep a distance of at least 20 meters from the bank while sailing through the fairway
    • In addition to following the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions At Sea,1972, a ship sailing within the port also needs to follow the Commercial Port Law and the Governing Rules on Port Services at an International Commercial Port, which are concerned about regulations of navigation and give-way.
  3. Be Watchful during Ship’s Anchorage
    1. A. Anchorage area:
      • Anchorage of the Hualien Port is at a distance of 0.7 miles SW of east breakwater. The range of the anchorage within the connecting lines of points A’-B’-C’-D’ is indicated on CN Charts No.0351 (WGS-84) published by Chinese Naval Hydrographic & Oceanographic Office. Its depth is about 12-65 meters. The seabed is sandy and the surface area is 1,072,500 square meters.
      • Point A´:Lat. 23°57´21.8”E; Long. 121°36´39.2”E (WGS-84)
      • Point B´ : Lat. 23°58´24.5”N; Long. 121°37´16.2”E (WGS-84)
      • Point C´:Lat. 23°57´55.8”N; Long.121°37´24”E (WGS-84)
      • Point D´:Lat. 23°57´24.6”N; Long.121°37´10.2”E (WGS-84)
    2. B. Suggested Anchorage for A Medium Ship is
      • Anchorage A-1 Lat. 23°58´02”N; Long. 121°37´14.3”E (WGS-84) range within the radius of 200 meters, depth about 16-26 meters, ship less than 20,000 G.T..
      • Anchorage A-2 Lat. 23°57´49.5”N; Long. 121°37´06.5” (EWGS-84) range within the radius of 250 meters, depth about 16-49 meters, ship less than 30,000 G.T..
      • Anchorage A-3 Lat. 23°57´32.5”N; Long. 121°36´59.5”E (WGS-84) range within the radius of 300 meters, depth about 29-65 meters, ship less than 45,000 G.T..
      • The water area of the Hualien Port anchorage is limited. The anchoring position should be reported to Signal Station before and after the ship’s anchoring, so as to control each ship’s position in order to keep a adequate and safe distance between ships. Each year from October to March is the period of NE monsoon. The wind direction is NNE and wind force is up to more than 6 on the Beaufort Wind Scale causing the anchor to drift easily. Ships should be especially careful and main engine standing-by. Do not anchor too close, either, to the bank for preventing floating aground.
      • While the ship is in anchor, sea conditions should be monitored at times. A ship should also be kept with the ability against the emergencies. Anchorages A3 and A4 and the nearby water area are not completely sheltered by the breakwater and part of their depth exceeds 50 meters, anchored ships should be especially careful in this area. If sea conditions become bad, a ship can slowly shift to the open sea without affecting the navigating safety of other ships.
  4. Be Watchful during a Ship’s Shifting outside the Port
    • It is open water outside Hualien Port. The inshore seabed decents sharply, the depth of water changes dramatically. Less than 5 miles offshore, the depth decreases already to about 1,000 meters. Ships should take careful notice of changes of the seabed.
    • There are many rocks around outside the east and west breakwaters. A safe distance should be kept in navigating the nearby sea area. A shallow-rock area is 0.5 miles south of the fore-leading light of this port and about 0.3 miles around the eastern side of the east breakwater. Ships should avoid sailing into this dangerous area.
    • Ships, entering and leaving the port, often navigate in the eastern water area outside the east breakwater. In order to navigate this area safely, arriving ships shifting in this area should be especially careful about navigating safety.
Last Updated:2024-10-16